It’s Time To Talk About End Of Life Care
Politics, Money, and Religion. These are the three things they tell you not to talk about at the dinner table. How you want to die isn't mentioned because most people don't need a reminder to avoid [...]
Politics, Money, and Religion. These are the three things they tell you not to talk about at the dinner table. How you want to die isn't mentioned because most people don't need a reminder to avoid [...]
We are all excited about the ways technology can create a connected household. From smart lights and thermostats to locks and personal assistants, connected technology can make life easier than ever particularly for those with [...]
Personal style is an essential part of self-expression and a great way to show off your worldview, attitude, and personality. Some people just put on clothes, others create art. Finding ways to add your personal [...]
How can data help us live better, healthier, more fulfilling lives? This is the challenge of the 21st century and many of the answers are easier than ever to access. As tracking tools become more [...]
From smart tattoos to sub-dermal implants, body hacking is on the rise and can provide interesting health insights. They can't give a complete view of life activity, but if you are at risk for certain [...]
When Dr. Barbara Lipska's hand disappeared in front of her face, her first thought was a brain tumor. She understood exactly what that diagnosis would mean because, in addition to losing her first husband to brain cancer [...]