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Trusted to Improve Senior Care
"As a primary caregiver, I have a huge sense of relief since using CarePredict. I work late hours and am constantly worried about her well-being. Now, I can look at CarePredict's TouchPoint app and immediately see how she is doing - has she eaten, does her daily activity patterns look normal, I can see she is safe at home and know the app will alert me if something's off track. The best part about the technology is that it is not invasive at all, and since my mom is used to wearing a watch, she had no problem using the Tempo."
- Renee Vander Hayden, primary caregiver to her 93-yr old mother.
"CarePredict has been key to reducing stress and an important tool for me as a caregiver in these unprecedented times of social isolation. I had to move my dad to a different facility farther away, and this device has provided me the peace of mind in knowing that dad is okay. It gives my dad comfort to know that I am aware of how he is doing and that he can easily reach me with the touch of a button anytime."
- George Krieger, Photographer, Cinematographer, Point Cloud Mapping specialist, and caregiver to dad
"CarePredict enables Right at Home Tri-County Metro to increase the value we provide to our home care clients by helping our caregivers stay ahead of possible health issues. The AI technology packed into their sophisticated platform also allows us to reach new clients who might not be quite ready for traditional home care services."
- Jeff Welsh - Owner and President, Right at Home, Tri-County Metro
"What is more appealing about CarePredict, apart from the fact that it addresses the needs of both our residents and staff, is simplicity of the technology. The CarePredict system is the least disruptive and fastest to install requiring no servers, antennas, or external hardware."
- Peter DeMangus, Vice President of Business Development, Solterra Companies
"Thanks to CarePredict, the staff at Bickford at Chesapeake were able to detect UTI early and mom was able to receive proactive care. CarePredict has given me the peace of mind in knowing that somebody is always there for mom and that she is getting high quality care.
- Susan Philbrick, daughter of Judith Philbrick - Resident at Bickford at Chesapeake